

Property Management Workflow

How to choose the right platform for your needs

Managing a property, whether it’s a single rental unit or a large apartment complex, can be a challenging task. From collecting rent and managing maintenance requests to communicating with tenants and tracking expenses, there are many tasks that need to be done efficiently and quickly. That's why many property managers are turning to property management applications to help them streamline their workflow and stay organized. But with so many apps on the market, how do you choose the right one for your needs? In this article, we'll explore some key features to look for when choosing a property management app, with a focus on Rentado, an app that offers secure rent collection, maintenance request management, and communication tools for property managers.

Secure Rent Collection

One of the most important features of a property management app is the ability to securely collect rent from tenants. Rentado offers secure rent collection through Stripe, which accepts credit cards, ACH, Venmo and more. This makes it easy for tenants to pay their rent online, and for property managers to track payments and issue reminders when rent is due. With Rentado, property managers can also set up recurring payments, so tenants can automatically pay their rent each month without having to remember to do so.

Maintenance Request Management

Another important feature of a property management app is the ability to manage maintenance requests. Rentado offers a simple and user-friendly interface for tenants to submit maintenance requests with photos of the problem which are then routed to the appropriate property manager or maintenance team member. Property managers can track the status of each request, assign tasks to specific team members, and communicate with tenants about the status of their request. This helps ensure that maintenance issues are addressed quickly and efficiently, which can help keep tenants happy and reduce the risk of damage to the property.

Communication Tools

Effective communication is essential for successful property management. Rentado offers a secure communications platform that allows property managers to communicate with tenants without the use of text and phone numbers, which can help protect tenants' privacy. Property managers can post important updates, community events, and reminders to all occupants, and tenants can ask questions or report issues through the app. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and reduces the risk of miscommunication.

Unlimited Properties

If you manage multiple properties, it's important to choose a property management app that can handle your needs. Rentado allows property managers to manage an unlimited amount of properties, which means you can use the app to manage all of your properties from one central location. This can help save time and reduce the risk of errors, since you won't have to switch between multiple apps or platforms to manage different properties.

Rebranding Services

Finally, if you want to create a professional image for your property management business, it's important to choose an app that offers rebranding services. Rentado offers white-hat and full rebranding services, which means you can customize the app with your own branding, logo, and colors. This helps create a cohesive brand identity and makes your business look more professional and trustworthy to tenants.

In conclusion, property management applications can help property managers streamline their workflow, improve communication with tenants, and stay organized. When choosing a property management app, make sure to look for features such as secure rent collection, maintenance request management, communication tools, and the ability to manage multiple properties. Rentado offers all of these features and more, making it a great choice for property managers who want to simplify their workflow and provide a better experience.